Stanley Dankoski - The Grounded Writer

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Head to head, and from heart to hands

I know bestseller status on Amazon is a vanity metric.

But it nonetheless felt pretty cool to see THE ANATOMY OF A BOOK go head to head with the latest Writer's Market tome in the publishing category.

It's only available on preorder—it will launch officially on Tuesday—and it's doing so well already.

I'm grateful to have been a part of its creation as one of three co-editors and one of twenty contributors.

There's something about writing, publishing, and marketing for everyone, from newbie to publishing veteran. (My chapter talks about leveraging your authority.)

My contribution wouldn't have happened had I not reached out to the publisher on LinkedIn to introduce myself.

So believe in yourself.

Take action. Introduce yourself. Make connections.

Believe in your book idea. Believe it can make an impact on the world.

If you want to leave behind a legacy or instigate a paradigm shift in your field or industry, your book idea can do that for you and be a catalyst for change.

Leverage your authority, embrace your powerful message, ground yourself in your truth, inspire with authenticity.

DM me if you want to chat about that.

And preorder your copy of the book today!