Stanley Dankoski - The Grounded Writer

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Celebration time! And some encouragement.

I just found out that one of my early writer clients just got picked up by a small press for his novel, a police procedural set in San Bernardino County in the early 1970s.

While I am focusing on nonfiction nowadays, I couldn't be happier for him.

In addition to copy editing the novel, I helped him research agents and publishers. But—full disclosure—he had done some research himself before asking for help, and a press he had reached out to finally became the winner.

I know he had a couple of other mentors who guided him along the way, two people I respect and admire.

Which goes to show that, along with having quite a bit of patience, asking for help can get you closer to the goal you've set for yourself.

Sometimes we writers are so set in going it alone.

But somewhere along the way, investing in a professional editor, or a book coach to hold you accountable or guide you along the way, or a ghostwriter to capture your voice onto the page will not only become a no-brainer.

It will give you a better chance at getting the results you want.

If you're ready for that next step, send me a DM. Let's chat.