Stanley Dankoski - The Grounded Writer

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Who are you being today?

You may think you want to author a book to share your wisdom, or your proprietary framework, or your story.

You may even be writing it.

You may even be getting help through an editor, coach, or ghostwriter. Or maybe through beta readers or a writers group.

You may be doing all the things. You may have a vision, an outcome, a goal in mind. You want to make an impact in your own way.

But who are you being today?

Is your way of being aligned with your purpose? Are you believing in yourself and your role in making a difference?

How are you conducting yourself in your personal and professional roles?

Once you integrate all of yourself—the good and the bad, the strengths and weaknesses, the dark and the light sides, your desires and circumstances—that is where your power ignites and magic becomes real.

This is from where you must author your book.